Course Info

Three years LLB and five years B.A. LLB LLB courses are of semester pattern. The first semester of every academic year will commence from June and will end in October. Second semester of every academic year commences from the month of November and will end in the month of April.

(Semester pattern) (Introduced from the year 2003-04)

Number of Seats
Grant in Aid – 60, Non-Grant – 60, Total – 120
  • Any Graduate or Post Graduate of recognized university securing more than 44.5% marks.
  • 40% for Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribes students only.

Prohibition to register for two regular courses of study : (Ref. B.C.I. rules of Legal Education 2008)

(A) “No student shall be allowed to simultaneously register for a law degree program with any other graduate or post Graduate or certificate course run by the same or any other university or an institute for academic or professional learning excepting in the integrated degree programmer of the same institution.

Provided that any short period part time certificate course on language, computer science or computer application of an institute or any course run by a centre for distance learning of a University however, shall be excepted.”

Prohibition against lateral entry and exit :

There shall be no lateral entry on the plea of Graduation in any subject or exit by way of awarding degree splitting the integrated double course, at any intermediary stage of integrated double degree course.”

Explanation: (Ref. Definitions of B.C.I. Rules of Legal Education 2008)

“Lateral Entry” is an admission given to graduate applicants at the beginning of third year in an integrated five year Course.

“Lateral Exit” means opting out at the end of three year after successfully completing the courses up to the third year, from an Integrated Five Year course on being awarded a Bachelor Degree.

(B) Second LL.B. :

A student who has taken admission to II LL.B. course of this University, after passing the First LL.B examination from any other University recognized by ALU and Bar Council of India . will have to appear and pass in the subjects of First LL.B. Course of this University in which he has not already passed, in his parent University. Further, if he so desires, he will be exempted in any of the subjects of the Second LL.B. examination of this University in which he has already passed in the patent University.

(C) Third LL.B. :

A student passing the Second Year LL.B. (LL.B. General) examination from a Statutory Indian University recognised by ALU and Bar Council of India is allowed to seek admission to the Third LL.B. Course in his University on the condition that he shall appear for and pass in all papers prescribed for the First and Second Year LL.B. Course of this University of which he has not passed in his parent university. Further if he so desires, he will be exempted in any of the subject at the Third LL.B. examination of this University if he has already passed in those subjects in the parent University, However, in such a case, he will be required to appear and pass in the deficient papers according to syllabus of First LL.B./Second LL.B. of this University.

Standard Of Passing

For LL.B.(Three years course)

To Pass any examination, a candidate must obtain

  • 35% of the full marks in each paper.
  • 50% of the total marks in each paper.

A.T.K.T. Rules

A candidate who obtains at the Ist & IInd years (of LL.B. three years course) 50% of the full marks in any SIX out of the total number of papers prescribed for the respective academic year shall be allowed to keep the terms respective for the IInd & IIIrd year of LLB Examination. (i.e. student should pass in 2/3 of the total paper of respective academic year). Provided however that he shall not be declared to have passed the IInd LLB or the IIIrd LLB Examination unless he has passed the Ist LLB or the IInd LLB examination by passing in the remaining papers in accordance with the standards of passing at the examination. Such a candidate shall not be eligible for a Class prize at scholarship awarded at the examination.



As Per University Of Pune Circular No. 373/2004, Dted 16/10/2004, A Candidate Who Has Not Passed Any Particular Examination During The Validity Period Of Grant Of Term. (I.E. Six Years) Shall Not Be Eligible To Appear For That Particular Examination After The Validity Period Of Grant Of Term. (I.E. Six Years) Is Over.

INCENTIVE MARKS (Additional marks for extra-curricular activity)

Five additional marks may be granted to candidate appearing for University examination of any degree , diploma or certificate, as an incentive marks for his participation in any one or more of the following activities :

  • NCC
  • NSS
  • National physical efficiency drive
  • Adult education program of Puna University.

The additional marks shall be added :

  • To any subject/s as the case may be in the examination if the student has failed in such subject/s and if such additional marks enable the student to get necessary passing marks
  • To the total number of marks, secured by the candidate in the examination. Provided that the additional marks shall not be taken into consideration for the purpose of award of any prize, scholarship merit list or for such other similar purposes.

The additional marks shall be granted to the candidate only for that examination during the course of which the candidate has participated in the activities mentioned above.


The candidate shall be eligible to get maximum five additional marks only once, for any of the activities mentioned above, if performed by him any year, and only for an examination of one course.