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Tow day State Level seminar 2019-2020

Activity Info

Two days State Level seminar was organized in collaboration with Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, on “Socio-Legal Effects of New Amendments in Right to Information Act,2005” on 16th & 17th November 2019.
After being passed in Loksabha, The RTI Amendment Bill is paused in Rajya-Sabha  on 25th July 2019The newly amended provisions of RTI Act are widely criticized on the ground of interference of government and diluting the provision of erstwhile Act. It is said that the amendment are widely disturbing the main objectives of the Act. It is also said that it is an encroachment and the States power to make the rules under section 27 of the RTI Act, 2005 more or less the RTI amendment, 2019 is severe blow to the federal structure of the RTI Act and the Constitution of India as per the allegation of the RTI activists.
Pros and Cons of these amendment Of RTI Act on the right of common man to obtained the information which is recognized as fundamental right under Article 19(a), Freedom of Speech and Expression well recognized in- People’s Union for Civil Liberties V/S Union of India. (2003), by the Supreme Court of India.
This Seminar was arranged to provide a forum to the Jurist, Academicians, Advocates, NGO’s, activists and law pursuing students to discuss the newly amendment in the light of fundamental rights guaranteed under Indian Constitution to the citizens of India and the Directive Principles of State Policies speaks about the States duty to be transparent, accountable towards the public and to work in good faith to achieve the objectives enshrined in the Preamble of welfare State.
Objectives –
Thorough the discussion on newly amended provisions of RTI Act, 2005
To discuss the impact of newly amended provisions on the object of passing of RTI Act, 2005
The impact on the RTI movement
To discuss the positive and negative aspects of RTI amendments on the rights of citizens of India
To know the Judicial aspects in the implementation of provisions of the RTI Act.
To discuss all other issues related and in connection with social, economic, political, legal aspect of RTI on human life.
Resource Person for this Two days state level seminar was-
On 16th Nov. 2019

Session I
Dr. Pratapsinh Salunke
“Importance of RTI Act and eradication of corruption- legal perspective.”

Session II
Mr. Vivek Velankar
“Pros and Cons of New RTI Act- a present senario.”

Session III
Dr.Ashwinikumar Bharadwaj
“New Amendments in RTI Act- An overview.”

On 17th Nov. 2019

Session IV
Dr. Amol D. Chavan
“Importance of RTI in welfare state.”

Session V
Shri. Shivkumar Ram Channangire
-“Enforcement of RTI in Society.”

Session VI
Dr. N.D. Chaudhary
“RTI Act and its new amendments- impact on society”


Activity Info

One Day State Level Seminar was organized on “ Role of Police in the Criminal Administration of Justice in Light of Violation of Human Rights” on 23rd January 2016


Role of Police, Prosecution & Judicial system has its deep impact on the Administration of Criminal Justice System. The term ‘Police’ broadly connotes the purposeful maintenance of public order and protection of persons & property from the hazards of public disorder and the commission of unlawful acts. The police are primarily concern with the control of crime & the maintenance of law & order. Therefore it plays a vital role in Criminal Justice System including crime control. The police are duty bound to protect the public against physical danger, rescue lives, regulate traffic and preserve law and order in the streets and public places. Hence the police have special responsibility under various Statutes and Rules there under to treat the people with care and caution. It is prime responsibility of police to make all needful for the effective control of offences. It needs effective investigation on the part of police. It is general belief that the main difficulties in ensuring speedy, effective and fair investigation of offences are excessive workload due to inadequacy of manpower and long working hours even on holidays and the absence of shift system; non co-operative attitude of the public at large; directing police for other tasks which are not a part of police functions; inadequacy of logistical and forensic back up support; inadequacy of trained investigating personnel which affects caliber of police; lack of coordination with other sub-system of the Criminal Justice System in crime prevention, control and search for truth; distrust of the laws and courts, political and executive interference.

Hence the root cause is unreformed or neglected police organizations, if this is taken care of then there can be effective crime control. Article 246 of the Constitution of India places the police, public order, courts, prisons, reformatories, and their allied institutions in the State List. Article 32 and 226 of the Indian Constitution empower the Supreme Court and High Courts respectively to activate watch-dogs to protect the violation of fundamental rights of the citizens. Besides, the judicial powers of High Courts include violation of any right of a person by the executive including police. Article 20,21and 22 of the Constitution also provide safeguard against right to life and liberty of the human beings and for adopting procedure for action according to procedure established by law & right against illegal detention.


1. To Find Out the measures of Protection of Human Rights in the area of

A. Women
B. Children
C. Minorities
D. Eunuchs
E. Aged Person
F. Indigent Person
G. Accused Person
H. Disabled Person
I. Victim

2. To make aware the public about rights, duties. Functions and Accountability of Police.

3. To assess the sufficiency and efficacy of legislative & judicial efforts in violation of human rights by the police.

4. To study the gap between law in books and law in action.

5. To facilitate the meeting of Law teachers. Members of legal profession. Police Dept, Human Right Activist, Journalist, NGOs, Research Scholars, Law students on one platform to enable them to experience the academic & research interactions on the theme.

Resource Persons

Sr. No. Speaker Topic
1 Mr. Nawal Bajaj
(Director, Maharashtra Police Training Academy)
Role of Police in Criminal Administration System: Issues and challenges.
2 Dr. Mrs. Asmita A. Vaidya
(Principal NBT law College Nashik)
Human Rights and Policing
3 Dr. Shreedhar V Mundhe
(Asst. Prof. Department of Law Mumbai)
Police Brutality and Accountability in India.
3 Dr. Mrs. Sandhya Gadak
(Principal MVP Law College Nashik)
Chairman of the session for paper presentaion

Almost 100 above were the spectators for the said function , participants have come from various places from state of Maharashtra, like Chandrapur, Nagpur, Pune, Ahmednagar , Nandurbar, Mumbai, Nanded, Aurangabad and Nashik.